Monday, August 13, 2012

Out in the County

As I've stated a number of times here, I am a big advocate of reading up on things that you love.  Since food and drink is a big interest of mine, I don't often skip over an article or publication I run across that speaks to these things.  Recently, I was reading West News Magazine (a bi-monthly publication devoted to the residents of the West County area of St. Louis).  I was reading the latest dining review and was thinking about how this is the only local periodical that even remotely gets that there are residents in St. Louis that live pass the I-270 corridor. 

I remember reading the St. Louis Post Dispatch and watching Show Me St. Louis on TV and only 5% of the time (if any time at all) do they mention restaurants or establishments in West County.  Its almost as if the local media here in St. Louis think that the area west of 270 is considered it's own culinary jurisdiction.  Sure, I can read and article or watch a spot about any number of downtown area St. Louis restaurants, but can rarely see anything about some of the best St. Louis has to offer out here in the county.

True also is the fact that there is a distinctive line between "County Folks" and "City Folks" here and it goes a lot deeper than just what high school you attended (here in STL, people always ask you what high school you went to when they want to know what part of STL you are from).  County people don't typically like to venture to the city too terribly often unless there is a Blues, Rams or Cardinals game involved (or perhaps they want some free beer at the AB brewery tour) and City residents hardly ever come out to the county.  I realize that a tank of gas costs more than it used to and time is money, but aren't we all missing out on great experiences by staying confined to our area of town?

Some of my favorite restaurants in St. Louis are located in the city area.  I've dined many a time at establishments like McGurk's, Mosaic, Ambighetti's, 1111 Mississippi and PW Pizza.  If you've had the chance to eat at any of these great places, you know how awesome they truly are.  Still, there are great restaurants in county as well: Mosaic (same as the one downtown), Yia Yia's, Mulligan's and Veritas just to name a few.

My point is, everyone here in St. Louis needs to travel a little out of the geographic culinary comfort zone.  If we do so, we will be rewarded with fantastic food and a great experience.  So, City Folks: COME ON OUT TO THE COUNTY!!!  And County Folks: LET'S HEAD INTO THE CITY!!!  And St. Louis Media: PLEASE START COVERING RESTAURANTS IN THE COUNTY!!!  Deal?

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