Thursday, January 15, 2015

I Have Moved to FlyInStyle!!!

Hello all.  Well, it has been nearly 2.5 years since I have written here.  For the readers who have continued to come here looking for recipes and food travel tips, it is much appreciated.

If you liked reading my musings before, you are going to love what I am doing now!  I have joined a wonderful team as a blogger for FlyInStyle, an app designed to connect retailers/restaurants etc. at airports with travelers.

I am currently writing a blog dedicated to providing tips for the business traveler.  There is also a food blogger on staff as well.

If you are interested in continuing to read what I have to say, or if you want to learn more about FlyInStyle, go to:


Download the app for FlyInStyle in the app store!

Thanks again for reading, and I'll see you at FlyInStyle!

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