Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Simplest and Tastiest Grilled Chicken Recipe Ever

The title is such a bold statement for what is essentially just grilled chicken.  But I assure you that it is a great recipe.  It provides a flavorful, yet not overpowering taste and the bird stays juicy and tender on the grill.  Anyway, to the point... here is the recipe:

Great Grilled Chicken
3-5 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts
1 bottle Kraft Italian Salad Dressing
Salt and Pepper to taste

Cut and remove any bad parts of the chicken (it always amazes me how many people don't do this).  Anything that looks veiny or discolored needs to go.  Take a meat tenderizer (or heavy kitchen pan) and flatten the chicken breasts to approximately 1 - 1 1/2 inches thick (you want them all to be the same thickness so they'll all cook evenly).  Season with salt and pepper.  Place the chicken in a sealable bag and pour in the Italian dressing.  Marinate for 4-6 hours or over night. 

Heat the grill to medium high heat.  Place the chicken on the grill and cook about 5-6 minutes per side slightly turning the chicken 1/4 turn clockwise during cooking on both sides (this will create those nice grill marks we all love).  Once cooked, place the chicken on a plate wrapped loosely with tin foil for about 5 minutes (to let the juices redistribute).  Done!

Easy right?  And the best thing is that the Italian dressing acts as more of a moisture barrier and tenderizer than an added flavor so you can use this grilled chicken many dishes.  One good tip is to make a dozen or more chicken breasts ahead of time and freeze them so you'll have them for several meals.  I suggest one of the following:

  • Fajitas
  • Pastas
  • Grilled Pizzas
  • Quesedillas
  • Tacos
Or you can just reheat them and eat them by themselves for a healthy lunch or dinner. 

That's all for today.  Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @LifeGastronomic or look us up on Facebook! 

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