Thursday, August 9, 2012

Easy BMW Salad (BMW - Bacon Mozzarella Watermelon)

In the past few years, I have discovered a crazy combination of flavors that I have thoroughly enjoyed and worked into my weekly dinners here at home.  Many of those flavor combinations involve bacon.  After all, who doesn't like bacon?  If you don't, then I don't want to know you.  It is un-American to dislike bacon.  Unless you're a pig, but I'm getting off subject here...

One of the best bacon flavor combinations is the melon.  There is something about adding a salty and crunchy consistency to some sliced cubes of watermelon.  The only things needed after that is the tanginess of a dressing and the creaminess of some good cheese.  Now that makes for a summer side dish that anyone can get behind.  Here is the recipe:

BMW Salad (Bacon Mozzarella Watermelon)

1/4 - 1/2 of a Watermelon
1 ball of fresh Mozzarella
4-5 Strips of Bacon
1 Tbsp White Wine Vinegar
1 Tbsp Honey
1 Tbsp Olive Oil

Prepare the bacon.  I use a wire rack and a sheet pan and bake it at 350 for 30-40 minutes.  Set aside.  Chop the watermelon into 1 inch cubes.  Do the same with the mozzarella.  In a medium bowl, whisk together the vinegar, honey and olive oil.  Place the watermelon and mozzarella in the bowl with the dressing.  Mix it together to allow the dressing to cover the mozzarella and watermelon.  Place in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.  Top with bacon and serve.

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