Friday, January 13, 2012

I Think I am Becoming a Beer Snob

I should start by apologizing. I realize that my original intention was to post here daily but it has been a long week so I am sorry for not posting. I was just downstairs in my house grabbing my 2nd cup of coffee (I'm halfway through bag #2 of my Starbucks Christmas Blend --- if you haven't tried it, wait until November and go and GET SOME!) and I was just having my usual thoughts as to what my wife and I and anyone else who may come by will be having to drink this weekend. In other words, I was pondering what was going to be the beer of the weekend. All of the sudden, I realized that the beers that I was thinking of picking up were all micro brews. If you'd have asked me 5 years ago what was my beer of choice; my answer without thought would have been good old Miller Light every time. Nowadays, I find that my palate is more refined.

Actually more than anything, I find that I am an "Occasional Drinker". That is not to say that I drink occasionally. Quite the contrary. I drink more than some but not quite as much as others. By "Occasional Drinker" I mean that I let the occasion dictate what I drink. This classification system applies to all drinks be it spirits or suds but this post is going to apply to beer occasions only.

With that beind said, here is my take on what beers to drink when:

1) Gamedays: Typically if there are sports involved, it needs to be a mass consumption style beer. That's where my old faithful of Miller Light comes in. You don't have to do Miller, of course, Bud, Bud Light or anything like that would be fine. It's nothing but the shear fact that you are watching an American sport such as football or baseball, you should be drinking a nice cold American beer. I know, I know... there will be some that say that micro brews are American beers too. Hush, I'll get to your beers shortly.

2) Evenings with friends: This is an opportunity for everyone to try something different. Depending on the size of the crowd you can go with a nice micro brew (see fellow beer snobs, I said I would get to you). A friend recently introduced me to Magic Hat #9 and it wonderful. It is a pale ale without so much bitterness that typically comes with a pale ale. It is definitely one of my new favorites. A friend of mine and I also enjoy some good imports when we get together. A couple of these include Smitchwick's and Boddingtons. Both great imports in my opinion. Especially if you like more full flavored beers.

3) Cold Weather: Cold weather calls for darker beer in my opinion. I like a good Amberbock or Guiness when it comes to the bitter cold. Seems to provide some warmth. And the flavor seems to lend itself to that time of year too. In the fall, I also like Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat. Good fruity and full flavored beer.

4) Warm Weather: When the sun is shining and the birds are chirping, really there are many beers one could go with. Personally, I like Blue Moon with an orange slice. It is one of the more refreshing beers out there. Really, spring and summer being big seasons for beer, you could go with 100's of different kinds here. My wife likes Bud Light Lime. Not too bad if you like fruitiness in your beer.

Anytime Brews: A few of these I already mentioned but there are some beers that are just good anytime. Here's a list of my favorites: Smithwick's, Guiness (DRAFT ONLY), Fat Tire, Schlafly IPA, Boulevard Wheat, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. I could go on. I do love my beer!

That's all for now! Cheers!

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