Monday, January 23, 2012

Road Warrior... Naples, FL Edition

Just got back from a conference in Naples, FL. I know, I know... rough life right? I assure you my feet didn't even touch sand. My lips however did touch some delicious food. My wife and I like to vacation in this area so we like to think we are pretty well versed on the culinary scene of Southwest Florida. I paid a visit to an old favorite and was not let down. One thing's for sure, if you like seafood, this area of the country is for YOU!

The old favorite that I dined at was the U.S.S. Nemo located on Tamiama Blvd. in Naples. To drive by this place, you'd never notice it. It is set in a run down strip mall that is in dire need of a makeover. Luckily for me, I had read reviews on this place the first time I ate here over a year ago and I knew how fantastic it was this time so location was not an issue for me. First and foremost, if you want to eat here, get a reservation. Both times I have patronized this establishment I did not have a reservation and not only did I have to wait, but I had to deal with the Nazi like hostess who continually reminds me (without me so much as muttering a word to her) that I did not have a reservation and was throwing her night off as a result. I looked past it since I knew what I was in store for this time. And what I was in store for was Miso Glazed Broiled Sea Bass. I want to make sure I am clear when I say this, THIS WAS THE MOST FANTASTIC SEAFOOD DISH I'VE EVER PUT IN MY MOUTH! There, now that I've been subtle with you, let me tell you about it. This is a sweet and extremely tender dish that includes the aforementioned title character broiled and glazed and placed atop jasmine rice and served with a tangy and creamy sauce/balsamic reduction of some sort. It comes with green veggies (green beans mostly) that pair well with the light flaky fish. It's just that simple. No more, no less and nothing short of phenominal. Pair it with a glass of white wine (I went with Pinot Grigio... one of my wife's favorites) and you will thank me later. Seeing as I had already ruined my low carb/low sugar diet with the rice, I did have a bight of my colleague's coconut cream pie which was quite good but could not hold a flame to the main course.

In short, I will be back as long as I keep going to this wonderful place either for vacation or for work.

That's it for now, gotta run and catch another plane. This time, Chicago for a promotion interview. Probably won't be much to write about as I am told my interview will be conducted over dinner at the airport. Mmmm... McDonald's. I joke, I am sure we'll dine someplace decent. I'm just not holding out hope that I'll be blown away by anything at O'Hare International Airport.

Cheers for now!

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